Site LPS 45: Land off Warmingham Lane West (Phase II), Middlewich

The development of Warmingham Lane West (Phase II) over the Local Plan Strategy period will be achieved through:

  1. The delivery of around 235 new dwellings;
  2. Incorporation of green infrastructure;
  3. Pedestrian and cycle links, linking the site to the wider Bellway Homes and Morris Homes sites to the north and east; and 
  4. On site provision, or where appropriate, relevant contributions towards highways and transport, education, health, open space and community facilities.

Site Specific Principles of Development

  1. Contribution towards complimentary highway measures on the existing highway network and or a financial contribution to the delivery of the Middlewich Eastern Bypass;
  2. A Transport Assessment will need to be provided at the planning application stage;
  3. Provide a comprehensive landscaping scheme which retains existing mature trees and hedgerows, where possible, or provide appropriate mitigation measures;
  4. The provision of affordable housing in line with the policy requirements set out in Policy SC 5 'Affordable Homes';
  5. Creation of a new vehicular access onto Warmingham Lane;
  6. New development will be expected to respect any existing ecological constraints on site and where necessary, provide appropriate mitigation measures;
  7. Provide contributions to education and health infrastructure;
  8. A pre-determined desk based archaeological assessment will be required for the site at planning application stage;
  9. Future Masterplanning should consider the use of SuDS to manage surface water run off from the site; and
  10. Improve the connectivity of the site to the wider surrounding existing residential areas.


15.512 The site is adjacent to the Glebe Farm LPS 42 site and forms a natural extension to the residential area to the west of Warmingham Land and the south of Middlewich, where two new residential developments extending the established residential form are currently under construction.

15.513 Development should pay particular attention to the boundary treatments and design adjoining the River Wheelock valley to the west of the site.

Policy information


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