Asylum Seeker Dispersal Programme

What is an asylum seeker

An asylum seeker is a person who has applied for asylum under the 1951 Refugee Convention on the Status of Refugees. This is on the understanding that if they are returned to their country of origin they have a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, political belief or membership of a particular social group.

They remain an asylum seeker for so long as their application or an appeal against refusal of the application is pending. 

How many asylum seekers will be entering the UK (refugee facts and figures).

Where asylum seekers are coming from

The top three countries of origin are: Eritrea (3,568), Pakistan (2,302) and Syria (2,204) (Source: Office for National Statistics Migration Statistics Quarterly Report, August 2015).

Why asylum seekers are leaving their country of origin

The top ten refugee producing countries in 2015 all have poor human rights records or on-going conflict. Asylum seekers are fleeing from these conflicts and abuses, looking for safety.

How we're helping asylum seekers

The Council is working with the Home Office on the Asylum Seeker Dispersal programme for an initial delivery of 15-20 properties over a 3 year period. The Asylum Seeker Dispersal programme will be delivered by the Governments delivery partner Serco.

Page last reviewed: 06 January 2020