Quality Assurance Framework for SEND

Our Quality Assurance Framework for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) sets out what good looks like for SEND in Cheshire East and how all members of the 0-25 SEND Partnership will work TOGETHER towards achieving this.

Our Quality Assurance Framework has been developed TOGETHER with children and young people, parents and carers, and partners, and features dedicated sections explaining ‘what good looks like’ to local parent carers and our young people with SEND. Amongst other contributions, this document includes input from a multi-agency workshop held in October 2019 to look at how we can improve and measure quality within all SEND services, along with feedback gathered on a draft version of the document in January 2020. It sets out the commitment from all those involved in the SEND system, our ambitions and shared values, and provides a framework for measuring, monitoring and evaluating our impact.

We will keep you updated on improvements relating to quality for SEND, along with other SEND developments, via our ‘SENDing you the news’ page.

Page last reviewed: 27 January 2022

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