Finding somewhere to live

View services for finding somewhere to live

We want you to live as independently as possible. You must decide what is right for you and consider where and who you want to live with.

Whether you want to continue to live with your family, or live with others independently or with support, there is much to consider. After finding somewhere to live, you and your family will need to consider the time scales for any move, financial issues and the level of support you need to live as independently as possible.

Your year 9 review is a good place to start recording what you think are the important things you will need to think about when looking for somewhere to live.

Types of homes

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Home ownership

This is when you own the home you live in, either yourself or with a mortgage. A mortgage is when you borrow money to buy a house and pay the money back over many years. You can also use your savings. You could inherit a home which could be yours alone or it could be left to you and your family.

Shared ownership

This is when a Housing Association owns part of your home and you own the rest. You have to pay rent to the Housing Association for the part you do not own and pay the mortgage for the part you do own.

Social housing

This refers to housing that is owned by the local authority or housing associations. Cheshire East does not have any council housing of its own. We partner with Wulvern, Plus Dane and Cheshire Peaks and Plains Housing Trusts, who advertise affordable rented properties via a website called Cheshire Homechoice. Housing applications can be made through the Homechoice website.

Private landlord

This means renting from someone who owns a property. Some rents will be above the levels covered by housing benefit, so it is important to choose a property you can afford.   Private landlords can be:

  • a company that owns lots of properties;
  • a person or family who owns one or more properties; or
  • a charity or group who just rent properties to disabled people.

Private landlords advertise their properties in these places:

  • a letting agency or an estate agent;
  • an advert in the local newspaper;
  • on a sign outside the property;
  • on the internet; or
  • on a shop noticeboard.

Supported housing

Supported housing is usually shared housing with several other people with similar needs, but sometimes it can be individual flats. In supported housing you are a tenant and pay rent. Again housing benefit will usually cover the shared costs of the accommodation but as with all options, you would be expected to pay towards the cost of any support needs you have. Staffing is dependent on the needs of the people who live there and could be 24 hours a day or a few hours a week. You have shared responsibilities with housemates like cooking, cleaning and paying the bills.

Shared lives

In a 'shared lives scheme' someone is matched with a host family and lives as part of that family. They share family life and live with, or near to, the host family. The host family gives support and care.

This can be for:

  • long-term support
  • a short break
  • daytime support or
  • family support for someone who lives nearby, but not with the host family.

 Find out more about shared lives 

Specialist residential care homes

Specialist residential care homes may be considered after all other options for remaining at home have been explored and tried. Access to specialist residential care is based on an assessment of your needs by your Social Worker. Residential care means having a room in a building shared with a number of other people. Twenty four hour care will be provided on site as will meals. You will pay most of your benefits towards the cost of this care and be left with a small allowance.

Residential homes are owned and managed by public, private sector or charitable bodies. Some specialise in particular forms of provision, for example for people on the autistic spectrum or those with sensory impairment in conjunction with a learning disability.


Help to live independently in your home

Disabled Facilities Grants

You may qualify for a Disabled Facilities Grant to make your home more accessible or suitable to your needs if you or someone living in your property is severely disabled.

Disabled Facilities Grants

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology (AT) is a general description for a range of applications of (predominantly) electronic equipment used to monitor or enable people. It can be used to reduce risks such as being unable to summon help, or risks from fire and flood. It can also promote independence for example replacing on call staff.

Technology to keep people safe and independent (telecare)

Page last reviewed: 23 September 2022

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