Strategic flood risk assessment

Current policy requires local authorities to demonstrate that due regard has been given to the issue of flood risk as part of the planning process. It also requires that flood risk is managed in an effective and sustainable manner and where new development is exceptionally necessary in flood risk areas, the policy aim is to make it safe without increasing flood risk elsewhere. Where possible flood risks should be reduced overall. To this end, the key aims and objectives of the Cheshire East  SFRA  are:

  • To form part of the evidence base and inform the Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating the Strategic Environmental Assessment) for the Cheshire East Local Plan.
  • To assist in the preparation of, and to make recommendations of, appropriate policies for management of flood risk within the Cheshire East Local Plan.
  • To understand flood risk from all sources and to investigate and identify the extent and severity of flood risk throughout the Cheshire East area. This assessment will enable the council to steer development away from those areas where flood risk is considered greatest, ensuring that areas allocated for development can be developed in a safe, cost effective and sustainable manner.
  • To enable the council to meet its obligations under the National Planning Policy Framework and technical guidance.
  • To assess the suitability of potential development site allocations across the borough including assessment of the direct and indirect impacts on flood risk.
  • To provide reference and a policy development user guide, to advise and inform wider stakeholders, including the public, private and commercial developers in order for them to understand their obligations under the latest planning guidance.
  • To supplement current policy guidelines and to provide a straightforward risk based approach to development management in the area. This is aimed at councillors (including town and parish councils), the public and developers.
  • To provide a reference document to which all parties involved in development planning and flood risk can reliably turn to for initial advice and guidance.
  • To develop a report that forms the basis of an informed development management process that also provides guidance on the potential risk of flooding associated with future planning applications and the basis for site specific Flood Risk Assessments where necessary.
  • To identify land required for current and future flood management that should be safeguarded as set out in the NPPF.

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Page last reviewed: 09 April 2024