Policy RUR: 1 New buildings for agriculture and forestry

  1. Under LPS Policy PG 6, development that is essential for the purposes of agriculture and forestry will be permitted in the open countryside. Where planning permission is required, proposals for new agricultural and forestry buildings in the open countryside will only be permitted where they accord with other policies in the development plan and:
    1. it is demonstrated that there is a clear long-term need for the development in connection with the agricultural or forestry enterprise;
    2. the proposals make best use of existing infrastructure, such as existing buildings, utilities, tracks and vehicular access;
    3. new buildings are restricted to the minimum level reasonably required for the efficient existing or planned operation of the enterprise; are well-related to each other and existing buildings and do not form isolated or scattered development;
    4. do not unacceptably affect the amenity and character of the surrounding area or landscape (including visual impacts, noise, odour, design and appearance), either on its own or cumulatively with other developments; and
    5. provide appropriate landscaping and screening.
  2. The design of any new building for agriculture or forestry must be appropriate to its intended function and must not be designed to be easily converted to any non-agricultural or forestry use in the future.
  3. Adequate provision must be made for the disposal of foul and surface water drainage and animal wastes without risk to watercourses.
  4. Adequate provision must be made for access and the movement of machinery and livestock to avoid creating or intensifying highway safety issues.

Supporting information

6.2 LPS Policy PG 6 ‘Open countryside’ allows for development that is essential for the purposes of agriculture and forestry. LPS Policy EG 2 'Rural economy’ seeks to support the rural economy, including through the creation and expansion of sustainable farming and food production businesses and allow for the adaption of modern agricultural practices. The construction of new buildings for agriculture and forestry in the Green Belt is not inappropriate development, as set out in LPS Policy PG 3 ‘Green Belt'.

6.3 The General Permitted Development Order allows for certain types of agricultural or forestry development to take place without the need for planning permission, subject to prior approval being sought from the council. Where planning permission is required, the council will seek to make sure that new farm and forestry buildings minimise their impact on the rural environment, whilst supporting agriculture and forestry as essential components of the rural economy.

6.4 A clear long-term need for the development should be evidenced, for example through clear and succinct business plan that demonstrates how the development is intended to support future business operations.

6.5 Other policies in the development plan may also have particular relevance to the proposals for new buildings for agriculture and forestry, particularly those related to access, car parking, design, landscape, nature conservation and heritage.

6.6 Additional policy requirements for proposals for agricultural and forestry workers dwellings are set out in Policy RUR 3 'Agricultural and forestry workers dwellings'.

Policy information


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