Site MID 2: Centurion Way 

Land at Centurion Way is allocated for residential development of around 75 new homes. Development proposals must:

  1. seek to retain as much of the existing boundary hedges as possible as part of a comprehensive landscaping scheme, which should be designed to mitigate any impact of the development upon the wider landscape;
  2. include a strategy for the provision and long term management of off-site habitat for ground nesting farmland birds;
  3. make a contribution towards the delivery of the Middlewich Eastern Bypass; and
  4. undertake a Mineral Resource Assessment for sand and gravel.

Supporting information

12.43  This 2.49 ha greenfield site is located to the northeast of Middlewich between Centurion Way to the west, Holmes Chapel Road to the south and Byley Lane to the north. Surrounding land uses include residential, a public house and open countryside. The site has been identified to deliver around 75 new homes and presents an opportunity to deliver a sustainable residential development, whilst supporting the delivery of key infrastructure through financial contributions to the Middlewich Eastern Bypass.

12.44  Development proposals should seek to retain as much of the existing boundary hedges as possible and include a comprehensive landscaping scheme, in order to integrate the site into the wider landscape.

12.45  Priority bird species have been identified on the site, including Skylark and Wagtails. An ecological assessment should be submitted with any planning application and mitigation, in the form of an offsite habitat creation scheme to address any potential impact, should be provided.

12.46  The site lies just beyond Middlewich’s Area of Archaeological Potential. There have been Roman finds within the site and an archaeological assessment should be submitted with any planning application.

12.47  The council is aware from BGS mineral resource mapping that the site is likely to contain sand and gravel resources as well as being part of a wider adjoining sand resource. As sand is a finite resource essential to support economic growth, it is considered to be of local and national importance in planning policy terms. In line with LPS Policy SE 10 ‘Sustainable provision of minerals’ and national guidance on mineral safeguarding, the council will require the applicant to submit a Mineral Resource Assessment as part of any application to provide information on the feasibility of prior extraction of the mineral resource before the proposed development proceeds and the sterilisation potential that the proposed development will have on any future extraction of the wider resource. The Mineral Resource Assessment should be of a standard acceptable to the council, as the minerals planning authority, and undertaken by a suitably competent person with appropriate qualifications or professional background, such as a minerals surveyor. The findings of the Mineral Resource Assessment will be an important planning consideration in the determination of any planning application for the development of this site.

12.48  Further information on Mineral Resource Assessments can be found in the Minerals Safeguarding Practice Guidance v1.4 (PDF, 299KB) (2019, The Mineral Products Association &The Planning Officers Society).

Policy information


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