Policy GEN 3: Advertisements

Proposals for advertisement consent will be supported where they accord with the following criteria:

  1. The proposal would not be detrimental to amenity or safety, by reason of general design, size, colour, position, materials, amount and type of text or degree of illumination and luminance.
  2. The proposal is not out of keeping with the style or character of a building or its surroundings.
  3. Fascia boards should be lower than any first floor windows, and reflect the predominant height of existing fascia boards on surrounding buildings.
  4. The cumulative impact of the advertisements would not be detrimental to the character of the building on which they are to be displayed and/or the general characteristics of the locality.
  5. The proposal does not detract from or conceal any significant architectural features such as cornices or scrolls.
  6. Illuminated advertisements should be discreet and comply with the requirements of Policy ENV 14 'Light pollution'.

Supporting information

3.12 Advertisement proposals are guided by national policy and guidance, the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007, and subsequent amendments.

3.13 There are three categories of advertisement consent. Firstly, those permitted without requiring either deemed or express consent from the local planning authority; secondly, those that have deemed consent; and thirdly, those that require the express consent of the local planning authority. These are set out in the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007.

3.14 This policy aims to make sure that amenity and public safety are maintained, taking into account cumulative impacts, and that any advertisement respects the character of the building and area in which they are located. This policy may need to be considered alongside Policy RET 4 'Shop fronts and security'.

3.15 Advertisements in and around conservation areas and on or near listed buildings require particular detailed consideration to be given to the historic and architectural significance and sensitivity of these areas/buildings. Any applications affecting a heritage asset will also be considered against the policies contained in Chapter 5 (The historic environment).

3.16 The council will also seek to make sure that no harm to public safety or amenity is caused by illuminated adverts including the cumulative effect. The council will consider carefully the type and level of illumination proposed and have regard to appropriate guidance such as 'Professional Lighting Guide 05: The Brightness of Illuminated Advertisements' (2013). Conditions relating to matters such as hours of illumination will be applied where necessary.

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Policy information


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