Site LPS 7: Sydney Road, Crewe

The development of Sydney Road over the Local Plan Strategy period will be achieved through:

  1. The delivery of around 525 new homes; and
  2. The incorporation of green infrastructure including:
    1. Allotments;
    2. Equipped children's play area/multi-use games area;
    3. Community woodland;
    4. Outdoor gym; and
    5. Formal sports pitches

Site Specific Principles of Development

  1. Development should incorporate green infrastructure and reflect 'The Green Infrastructure Action Plan for Crewe' (TEP, 2012) including tree planting; the creation of tree lined boulevards with the provision of greenspaces within new developments. This should include the creation of green spaces, including those linking green infrastructure, with safe and secure pedestrian and cycle routes that should be integrated into any development proposal.
  2. Contributions towards highway improvements along the North Crewe Corridor linking the A530 at Leighton to the A500, including at Crewe Green Roundabout and Sydney Road Bridge.
  3. The improvement of existing and provision of new pedestrian and cycle links to link new and existing residential areas, employment areas, shops, schools and health facilities.
  4. The inclusion of appropriate planting and buffering  along the northern, eastern, southern and western boundaries of the site, to provide a clear edge to the development and reduce the visual impact of the development of this site on the adjacent Green Gap. Such buffering and planting to also ensure that noise and disturbance, from the West Coast Mainline which runs along the western boundary of the site, is reduced to a level to be agreed at a future date.
  5. The Local Plan Strategy site is expected to provide affordable housing in line with the policy requirements set out in Policy SC 5 'Affordable Homes'.
  6. The submission of a full ecological appraisal. Mitigation is required to address any identified impacts on protected species.  Any woodland, mature tree or priority habitats or habitats of local wildlife site quality identified on the site should be retained and buffered by areas of open space/habitat creation. Additional ponds should be provided within the site, as an ecological enhancement.
  7. Fowle Brook runs through the site and into Sandbach Flashes SSSI. Any discharge, foul drainage and / or run-off from the site must not lead to a deterioration in water quality entering the SSSI.
  8. The development will be expected to provide contributions to education provision and health infrastructure.
  9. A desk based archaeological assessment is required for the site, with appropriate mitigation being carried out, if required.
  10. The development of the site will be masterplan-led, including a design code, which will be informed by its location, constraints and opportunities.
  11. Contributions towards education provision, as appropriate.
  12. A minimum of a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land should be carried out to demonstrate that the site is, or could be made, suitable for use should it be found to be contaminated. Further work, including a site investigation, may be required at a pre-planning stage, depending on the nature of the site.
  13. Appropriate surveys in relation to the impact of noise from the adjacent railway line and roads shall be carried out and a mitigation scheme agreed accordingly to ensure that occupants of the new dwellings are not adversely affected by noise from road vehicles and train movements.
  14. The upgrading of Crewe Public Footpath No.4 which crosses the site, along with the creation of a green corridor to accommodate the Public Footpath.


15.112 Green infrastructure provision underpins future development in Crewe, ensuring that it is a pleasant place to live and work. Any proposals should take into account the Green Infrastructure Action Plan for Crewe.

15.113 The provision of new green infrastructure and the improvement of existing green infrastructure are of paramount importance. This will assist in improving the health and wellbeing of residents, as well as enhancing the environment of the town and reflects the findings of the Green Infrastructure Action Plan for Crewe (TEP, 2012) and will also help deliver the aspirations of ‘All Change for Crewe: High Growth City’.

15.114 Mechanisms must be put in place, to ensure that water from the development, flowing into Fowle Brook, does not have an adverse impact on the Sandbach Flashes SSSI.

15.115 Adjacent land lies within the Green Gap. It is important that any visual impact of development on the Green Gap is minimised by appropriate landscaping and the retention of existing trees and hedgerows.

15.116 It is important that the site contributes to highway improvements along the North Crewe corridor, including at Sydney Road Bridge and Crewe Green Roundabout, to ensure highway safety.

15.117 It is important that ecological appraisals of the site are carried out and that habitat and appropriate mitigation measures for protected species, if required, will be provided. Mitigation proposals for great crested newts in particular are likely to be necessary.

15.118 It is important that buffering planting, along the western boundary of the site, with the West Coast Mainline is provided in such a way that noise and disturbance are mitigated to an acceptable level.

15.119 Applications made on the site are as follows: outline application for up to 240 dwellings (13/2055N) approved with conditions 14/08/2015; outline application for 12 dwellings (15/2818N) on a small part of the site - a resolution to grant planning permission (subject to a S.106 agreement) was made on the 25th November 2015;  outline application for up to 275 dwellings (15/0184N) is yet to be determined and is under appeal for non-determination; outline application for 250 dwellings (15/5184N) has also been submitted to run alongside the appeal in relation to application reference 15/0184N and has yet to be determined.

15.120 Any replacement and/or new sports provision should be in accordance with an adopted up to date and robust Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Sports Strategy and with Policy SC 2 ‘Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities’.

15.121 The design and density of the development should reflect the location and character of the area and respond to the contents of the council’s most up to date Design Guidance.

15.122 There will be a need for improved educational facilities to be provided as a result of this development taking place, therefore a contribution towards this is required.

15.123 The site has potential for contamination to be present therefore at least a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land needs to be carried out to ensure that any contamination that is present is subject to appropriate remediation.

15.124 Due to the location of the site, adjacent to roads and a railway line, noise mitigation design will be required for proposed dwellings closest to these noise sources.

15.125 Crewe Public Footpath No.4 crosses the site. This footpath would require upgrading as part of any development of the site; appropriate policy wording to ensure that this was achieved would therefore be required. 

Policy information


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