Site LPS 51: Adlington Business Park Extension, Poynton

The development of Adlington Business Park Extension over the plan period will be achieved through:

  1. The provision of 10ha of new employment land; and
  2. The incorporation of green infrastructure, including greenways, and the provision of new pedestrian and cycle links to new and existing residential areas, and shops.

Site Specific Principles of Development

  1. New development will be expected to respect the proximity of the residential properties and, where necessary, provide mitigation.
  2. Contributions to existing and the provision of new public transport links to the town centre.
  3. Contributions towards the delivery of the Poynton Relief Road.
  4. The reinstatement of footpaths over the former Woodford Aerodrome site to improve pedestrian linkages to Poynton Railway Station.
  5. The improvement of pedestrian access to the site from A523 London Road, incorporating the provision of a pedestrian crossing.
  6. Development should preserve and enhance heritage assets around this site.
  7. A desk based archaeological assessment and a Heritage Impact Assessment shall be carried out, to determine if any further evaluation/mitigation will be needed.
  8. A minimum of a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land should be carried out to demonstrate that the site is, or could be made, suitable for use should it be found to be contaminated. Further work, including a site investigation, may be required at a pre-planning stage, depending on the nature of the site.
  9. Appropriate boundary treatments should be implemented to provide a clearly defined Green Belt boundary that is likely to endure.
  10. Any application would need to be supported by a full ecological appraisal.
  11. Mitigation would be required to address any impacts on protected species.
  12. Any woodland, priority habitats or habitats of Local Wildlife Site quality on the site should be retained and buffered by areas of open space/habitat creation.
  13. The existing ponds shall be retained and incorporated into any development.
  14. Development must not have an adverse impact on the established great crested newt habitat areas.
  15. A proposal needs to be put forward and agreed with Sport England that replaces the golf course to an equivalent or better quantity and quality in a suitable location.


15.593  This plan provides for 380 hectares of employment during the plan period up to 2030. This site will make a positive contribution to help meet this overall employment land requirement and provide opportunities for employment growth in the town. The site will also help to address the ratio of workplace-based employment to residence-based employment for Poynton identified in the Spatial Distribution Update Report footnote 91.

15.594 The site is located on the edge of the built form of Poynton to the south west of the settlement.  The site has been identified to deliver around 10ha of employment land and presents an opportunity to deliver a high quality, sustainable employment development, whilst supporting the delivery of key infrastructure through financial contributions towards the delivery of the Poynton Relief Road. The site is adjacent to Adlington Business Park; an existing employment site.

15.595 The preferred route of the Poynton Relief Road will form the western boundary of the site.  If the planned Poynton Relief Road is not built, or the current identified route is altered significantly, then a further Green Belt assessment of this site would be required.

15.596 The new Green Belt boundary should be defined using physical features that are readily recognisable and are likely to be permanent, for example (but not restricted to) continuous physical features such as significant hedges, stone walls, and line of trees.

15.597 A full planning application (15/4865M) has been submitted on the eastern parcel of the site for the erection of a logistics warehouse (6,728sqm) and ancillary trade sales. A decision is awaited.

15.598 It is important that the proximity of the residential dwellings is taken into consideration in any development proposals, with the provision of appropriate mitigation where necessary.

15.599 The incorporation of green infrastructure, notably trees, hedgerows, and greenways, together with sensitive design in terms of the scale and massing of any new structures, has the potential to mitigate any adverse impacts on visual amenity from main public vantage points. This will also assist in enhancing the environment of the local area, and improving the health and wellbeing of employees.

15.600 It is important that cycle and pedestrian links between the site and the surrounding residential areas are provided to improve connectivity within and around the town. The council would seek opportunities to provide for future pedestrian and cycle links up to the adjacent safeguarded land (LPS 52) and to enable a comprehensive route to be eventually established for cyclists and pedestrians linking the allocated site to the railway station.

15.601 The provision of a pedestrian crossing across the A523 London Road, linking to footpath Adlington FP53, along with the improvement of this footpath, would provide enhanced pedestrian access to the site. Improving pedestrian access to the railway station can also be achieved through the reinstatement of footpaths, linking to existing footpaths, through the former Woodford Aerodrome site.

15.602 The council would require the retention of existing trees and hedges on the site.

15.603 Full consideration should be given to the impact of development on the footpath crossing the site, with appropriate mitigation and management measures introduced as required.

15.604 Habitat for protected species and appropriate mitigation, if required, will be provided within the site; the development will have to be appropriately sited to make sure that there is not any adverse impact on such habitat areas.

15.605 The eastern parcel of the site lies to the north of a group of cottages and listed buildings in an historic area know as Hopegreen. An archaeological assessment and a Heritage Impact Assessment will be required to make sure that there will not be an impact on heritage assets.

15.606 Any replacement and/or new sports provision should be in accordance with an adopted up to date and robust Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Sports Strategy and with Policy SC 2 ‘Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities’. This is likely to be addressed as part of the Poynton Relief Road construction.

15.607 The site has potential for contamination to be present, therefore at least a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land needs to be carried out to ensure that any contamination that is present is subject to appropriate remediation.

15.608 Details of Construction Environment Management Plans, landscaping, green infrastructure and open space proposals should be submitted to the council during any future planning application process on this site as part of sustainable development proposals.

15.609 The Poynton Relief Road is a proposed 1.9 mile highway running between the A6 Manchester Airport Relief Road (A6MARR) and A523 London Road, which will relieve congestion in and around Poynton, improve links to Macclesfield and support economic, physical and social regeneration of the area.

15.610 If the planned Poynton Relief Road is not built, or the current identified route is altered significantly, then a further Green Belt assessment of this site would be required.

15.611 Although located directly adjacent to the urban area of Poynton, this allocation is situated within the parish of Adlington.

Indicative Site Delivery

(Footnote 91) Aecom Spatial Distribution Update Report, July 2015 (Table 14, p45 and Appendix 17, p189).

Policy information


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