Site LPS 5: Leighton, Crewe
This site lies adjacent to the Strategic Site of Leighton West. The site lies in close proximity to both Leighton Hospital and Bentley Motors; its development will result in the expansion of the new sustainable neighbourhood at Leighton West. This will provide opportunities for people to live near to the key automotive hub, to be located at the southern end of the Leighton West site and in close proximity to Bentley Motors. The development of the Leighton West Strategic Site over the Local Plan Strategy period will be achieved through:
- The delivery of around 500 homes (at a variety of densities). The design, density and scale of the development should reflect the fact that the site lies in a transitional location between the higher density urban area and the rural area. The surrounding development is predominantly suburban and the development of the site should reflect this. The development of the site will be masterplan-led, including a design code, which will consider its location, constraints and opportunities;
- Further road improvements to upgrade access to Leighton Hospital for emergency vehicles and suitable footpath and cycle lanes;
- Key worker housing to be provided, for the employees of Leighton Hospital;
- Site to be designed to complement the allocated site at Leighton West; and
- Incorporation of green infrastructure, including:
- A linear green corridor through the site, including the land below and adjacent to the pylons;
- Allotments;
- Open space including formal sports pitches, multi use games area; outdoor gym and equipped children's play space.
Site Specific Principles of Development
- Development should incorporate green infrastructure and reflect 'The Green Infrastructure Action Plan for Crewe' (TEP, 2012) including tree planting; the creation of tree lined boulevards with the provision of green spaces within new developments. This should include the creation of green spaces, including those linking green infrastructure, with safe and secure pedestrian and cycle routes that should be integrated into any development proposals.
- Development should provide key linkages and connectivity as part of a wider masterplanned development with the Leighton West site. This should include pedestrian, cycle, public transport and green infrastructure links between the two sites and between this site and the land off Parkers Road that has planning approval for residential development (ref 14/3389N) and is currently under construction.
- Affordable housing in line with the policy requirements set out in Policy SC 5 'Affordable Homes'.
- Potential use of geothermal resources provided from the energy park included in Site LPS 4.
- Improvements to existing and the provision of new pedestrian and cycle links to connect the site to existing and proposed residential areas, employment areas, shops, schools, health facilities, Crewe town centre, the Leighton Hospital Cycle Link scheme and the Connect2 link to Nantwich.
- The retention, where possible, of hedgerows and trees and the inclusion of appropriate planting and buffering along the northern, eastern and western boundaries of the site and in particular between the site and Leighton Hospital and between the site and the village of Bradfield Green, to provide a clear edge to the site, a buffer between the site and Leighton Hospital and to reduce the visual impact of the development of this site on the adjacent open countryside.
- Improved public transport links to Leighton Hospital, Crewe town centre and major employment areas.
- A minimum of an extended phase one habitat survey and protected species surveys will be required. Further surveys may be required depending upon the results of these initial surveys. Development proposals to include retention of any priority or Local Wildlife Site Quality habitat and provision of habitat for great crested newts and other protected species as required.
- A desk based archaeological assessment is required for the site, with appropriate mitigation being carried out, if required.
- There will be a requirement for financial contributions to be made to the provision of a new primary school, on the adjacent Leighton West site LPS 4 or improved educational facilities, as required.
- Any development of the Leighton West site will require highway improvements. These improvements will be phased with the development of the site and also delivered through masterplanning of the area covered by both the Leighton West Strategic Site LPS 4 and this site. This will include contributions to key enabling infrastructure, including improvements to the A530 corridor and Sydney Road/ Flowers Lane/ Remer Street/ Bradfield Road corridor.
- Financial contributions towards health infrastructure as required.
- A minimum of a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land should be carried out to demonstrate that the site is, or could be made, suitable for use should it be found to be contaminated. Further work, including a site investigation, may be required at a pre-planning stage, depending on the nature of the site.
15.91 Land adjacent to part of this site (known as land north of Parkers Road) has planning permission for up to 400 homes, is listed in the commitments list and is under construction. The site is in a number of ownerships.
15.92 The opportunity is presented by this strategic site for new homes to be delivered at a sustainable location, in close proximity to Bentley Motors and the new automotive hub that will be created at the southern end of the Leighton West site. In turn this will assist in delivering the growth aspirations for Crewe of 'Northern Gateway' (formerly known as ‘All Change for Crewe: High Growth City’).
15.93 This strategic site is intended to deliver key highways improvements in and around the area known as Leighton West, which will facilitate the development and address current and future congestion issues in the area.
15.94 The provision of new green infrastructure and the improvement of existing green infrastructure are of paramount importance. This will assist in improving the health and wellbeing of residents, as well as enhancing the environment of the town and reflects the findings of 'The Green Infrastructure Action Plan for Crewe' (TEP, 2012) and will also help deliver the growth aspirations for Crewe of 'Northern Gateway' (formerly known as ‘All Change for Crewe: High Growth City’).
15.95 It is important that cycle and pedestrian links between the site and surrounding residential and employment areas, Leighton Hospital and to Crewe town centre are provided to improve connectivity with the town centre. Links should also be provided to the Leighton Hospital Cycle Link Scheme and Connect 2 link to Nantwich.
15.96 Great crested newts are present on adjacent land and along with other protected and priority species and habitats could be present on site. Appropriate habitat creation, retention and other mitigation measures will be required. The ecological mitigation strategy should be formulated to ensure it is complimentary to ecological mitigation associated with adjacent developments.
15.97 Necessary highway network improvements must be completed to an agreed timetable to ensure highway capacity and access to the Hospital are maintained.
15.98 Any new sports provision should be in accordance with an adopted up to date and robust Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Sports Strategy and with Policy SC 2 ‘Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities’.
15.99 The site has potential for contamination to be present therefore at least a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land needs to be carried out to ensure that any contamination that is present is subject to appropriate remediation.
15.100 It is important that appropriate buffering planting, along the northern, eastern and western boundaries of the site, is provided in such a way that a clear edge to the development is provided, along with buffers between the development site and Bradfield Green and Leighton Hospital and that any visual impacts are mitigated.
15.101 It is important that, where possible, hedgerows and trees that have habitat potential and a cumulative impact on the screening of the site are retained as part of any development proposals for the site.
15.102 The design and density of the development should reflect the location and character of the area and respond to the contents of the council’s most up to date Design Guidance.
Policy information
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