Strategic Location LPS 43: Brooks Lane, Middlewich

The development at Brooks Lane over the Local Plan Strategy period will be achieved through a masterplan led approach that will determine the precise nature and quantum of development that is appropriate for the strategic location. The strategic location is likely to include:

  1. The delivery of around 200 homes;
  2. The delivery of leisure and community facilities to the north of the site;
  3. The provision of appropriate retail facilities to meet local needs;
  4. The incorporation of green infrastructure, including:
    1. Green corridor; and
    2. Open space including an equipped children's play space.
  5. The improvement of existing and provision of new pedestrian and cycle links to connect development to existing employment, residential areas, shops, schools, health facilities, recreation and leisure opportunities and the town centre; and
  6. The potential provision of a Marina at the Trent and Mersey Canal.
  7. The provision of land for a new railway station including lineside infrastructure, access and forecourt parking.

Site Specific Principles of Development

  1. The masterplan will need to consider the constraints, such as the scheduled monument, listed buildings and the Trent and Mersey Canal Conservation Area and their respective settings, as well as the opportunities that the site provides including a new railway station and marina.
  2. Development should incorporate pedestrian and cycle links set within green infrastructure, which connects and enhances links to existing employment, residential areas, shops, schools, health facilities, recreation and leisure opportunities and the town centre.
  3. The site will deliver enhancements to the Trent and Mersey canal corridor. The development proposals adjoining the Trent and Mersey Canal Conservation Area and associated listed buildings must reflect the location and be of a high standard.
  4. On site provision of a network of open spaces for nature conservation and recreation.
  5. Contributions towards public transport and highways improvements, including improvements to the A54 through Middlewich.
  6. Contributions towards education and health infrastructure.
  7. Consideration of the impact on Cledford Lane Lime Beds Grade B Site of Biological Importance that is located to the south of the site.
  8. The site includes part of an area of archaeological potential and a scheduled monument. To determine the contribution which this area makes to the significance of the scheduled monument and other heritage assets future development proposals will be accompanied by a pre-determination desk based archaeological assessment and Heritage Impact Assessment.
  9. The strategic location will provide affordable housing in line with the policy requirements set out in Policy SC 5 'Affordable Homes'.
  10. Development should contribute to the long term conservation and enhancement of the scheduled monument including opportunities for interpretation’.
  11. Future policy development and the masterplanning of the site shall be informed by the suggested mitigation set out in the HIA prepared by the council’s Heritage and Design Team dated 19 September 2014.


15.501 The site is bounded by the Trent and Mersey Canal to the west, a residential area to the north, the Sandbach to Northwich railway line to the east and British Salt settling lagoons to the south.  There is potential to expand the site into the salt lagoons in the future.

15.502 The development of this site will be expected to enhance the conservation area and its setting, regenerate the part of the site close to the canal and bring significant benefits to the visitor economy. Delivery of a mixed residential-led development in this location will ensure the provision of new and enhanced green infrastructure, open spaces and pedestrian and cycle links through the site, opening access to important heritage assets within the site for existing residents of the town and new residents of the site.

15.503 The provision of land for a station and other on site infrastructure with good links to existing services and facilities in the town will ensure that the site is sustainable in the long term as well as help support the future vitality of such services within Middlewich. This should include the on-site identification of a new railway station for the town. If an alternative location for the railway station beyond the site is subsequently preferred, following detailed masterplanning work, then the development should contribute to its provision. The British Salt Lagoons located to directly to the south of the site offer an opportunity to explore the potential of enlarging the site in future and making best use of brownfield land here. The design of the development should respect and capitalise on its canal-side setting.

15.504 The site relates well to the achievement of the Local Plan Strategy Vision and Objectives by enhancing environmental quality, promoting conditions for business growth through regeneration and creating sustainable communities, whilst delivering significant regeneration benefits.

15.505 Any replacement and/or new sports provision should be in accordance with an adopted up to date and robust Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Sports Strategy and with Policy SC 2 ‘Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities’.

Policy information


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