Site LPS 32: North of Lamberts Lane, Congleton

The development of North of Lamberts Lane over the Local Plan Strategy period will be achieved through:

  1. The delivery of around 225 new homes;
  2. Provision of pedestrian and cycle links set in green infrastructure to connect to new and existing employment, residential areas, shops, schools, health facilities and the town centre.

Site Specific Principles of Development

  1. The provision of a network of open space for nature conservation and recreation purposes.
  2. The design, layout and style of individual plots should be guided by appropriate masterplanning and design codes influenced by existing locational assets of the area and its surroundings. This should include consider careful consideration of issues including building scale, mass and materiality to minimise any impact on St Peters Church (grade I listed building) and its setting, the Moody Street Conservation Area and have regard to the long distance views from the Macclesfield Canal to the south-east of the site.
  3. Development should integrate with the adjacent existing and proposed uses, particularly through sustainable transport, pedestrian and cycle links to link new and existing residential areas, employment areas, shops, schools and health facilities.
  4. A desk-based archaeological assessment will be required for this site.
  5. Development should maintain and enhance Congleton Bridleway 4 and Bridleway 1 (Lamberts Lane) and improve pedestrian connectivity across the site set in green infrastructure and into the wider footpath network.
  6. Future development should consider the use of SuDS to manage surface run off from the site.
  7. A minimum of a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land should be carried out to demonstrate that the site is, or could be made; suitable for use should it be found to be contaminated. Further work, including a site investigation, may be required at a pre-planning stage, depending on the nature of the site.
  8. The Local Plan Strategy site will provide affordable housing in line with policy requirements set out in Policy SC 5 'Affordable Homes'.
  9. The delivery of off-site highway measures including improvements to Albert Place / High Street / Lawton Street junction.
  10. The provision of electric vehicle infrastructure (charging points).
  11. The provision of 2 no. quality bus stops on Canal Road.
  12. The provision of a travel plan in line with Policy CO 4 of the Local Plan Strategy.
  13. The retention, where possible, of hedgerows and trees and the inclusion of appropriate planting and buffering along the boundaries of the site, to provide a clear edge to the development and reduce the visual impact of the development on the surrounding countryside.
  14. Protected species have been recorded on and near the site, additional ecological surveys and mitigation will be required on the site. New development will be expected to respect any existing ecological constraints on site and where necessary provide appropriate mitigation.
  15. A buffer zone (at least 5 metres wide) should be provided alongside any watercourse running through the site. 
  16. Any replacement and/or new sports provision should be in accordance with an adopted up to date and robust Playing Pitch Strategy and Indoor Sports Strategy and with Policy SC 2 ‘Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities’.


15.387 The site has outline planning permission for 220 dwellings (planning reference 13/3517C) following the granting of planning permission at appeal on the 14th December 2015. Planning application 13/3517C incorporates two sites;- at the Moorings for 38 dwellings (15/0505C) and 40 dwellings at Goldfinch Close (15/0001C) which now have reserved matters approval (for both applications).

15.388 A Heritage Impact Assessment has been prepared for this site, on the request of Historic England.

15.389 Protected species are known to be present on the site; it is important that appropriate habitat for protected species, if required, is retained/provided within the site.

15.390 It is important that appropriate buffering planting, along the boundaries of the site, is provided in such a way that a clear edge to the development is provided and that visual impacts are mitigated.

15.391 An archaeological assessment will be required, to ensure that there will not be an impact on undesignated heritage assets.

15.392 The site has potential for contamination to be present therefore at least a Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment for contaminated land needs to be carried out to ensure that any contamination that is present is subject to appropriate remediation.

Policy information


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